Before You Bug Out to the Wilderness…
Learn Some Basic SURVIVAL Skills
That Can Save Your Life!
Even If You Don’t Think Your Bug Out Time Will Be Lengthy, Don’t Take a Chance on Becoming Lost, Hurt or Disoriented…Know your Options For Staying Alive.
No one ever thinks they’ll be caught in a live-or-die situation, but it happens every day. Some important survival skills you should know can include:
…how to find water – the number one thing you need to survive in the wild.
…how to assemble a shelter – a simply-crafted shelter could save your life.
…how to hunt for food – hunger can affect your energy and ability to think clearly.
Whether you’re in a dire SHTF situation or just want to be prepared, knowing some simple survival skills can save you from dehydration, starvation attacks from predators and many more dangers of the wild.
I implore you to learn some skills that can save not only your own life but others in your family. Disaster can happen at any time – even if you’re not in the wilderness. Set your mind at ease and learn the basics of how to survive!
What Survival Skills Should I Learn?
Everyone should know some survival skills. A national disaster could cause outages of electricity for months or even years and water could become contaminated.
Learn how to find water and purify it for drinking:
Knowing how to find water is your first priority in the wild. Without it, dehydration sets in almost immediately and your body will eventually shut down without it. Learning how to find water is your best chance for survival.
Other priorities for wilderness survival include shelter and food:
Assembling a shelter can be as easy as clearing rocks and brush or as complicated as fashioning a lean-to out of fallen branches and leaves. Knowing how to forage for food is also an important skill for survival.
Survival can hinge on your ingenuity and knowledge:
Some survival skills are intuitive and others depend on how much you know about the area you’re stranded in. Going into an area without first gathering information can put you at risk of surviving until rescued.
Would You Survive?
A National or Natural Disaster Could Put You and Your Family at Risk!
Unfortunately, we live in precarious times. Even if you’re not a survivalist who stockpiles food and water for emergencies, you should be prepared if disaster strikes. Basic skills can save lives.
Disaster could strike any time at any place. Food could become scarce and water contaminated. Learn how to recognize edibles in the wild and purify water supplies.
Don’t be vulnerable! Whether you become lost on a simple hike in the woods or tragedy hits in the form of a natural or national disaster – know your options and what you must do to keep you and your family alive.
Safe vs. Poisonous Food!
Plants and Bugs Become Important as Food Sources…
Some plants and insects are perfectly fine to eat and can provide great sources of nutrients and protein. But, unless you know which are safe to eat, you could become weak and disoriented from lack of food.
There are tricks and tips available that make it easy to spot edibles in the wild.
Methods of determining the safety of eating plants and bugs are also available. Some nutrients are hidden in plants and you need to know how to extract or cook the good parts of the plant before consuming.
When Predators See You as Prey…
It’s your worst nightmare – one you’ve likely seen portrayed in horror movies – encountering a bear or other predatory animal in the wild. Do you make yourself look larger by puffing out your chest and bringing yourself up to full height?
The news is full of stories about attacks from animals. You could be hiking through trails on the forest or camping at night when you’re startled by a hungry wild animal that sees you as lunch or dinner.
Don’t think it couldn’t happen to you.
You don’t need to be in the wild to encounter an attack. Civilization is encroaching on the homes and hunting grounds of wildlife, causing these wild animals to wander into neighborhoods.
What Else Should You Know About Survival in the Wild?
Chances are, you’ll come through your foray in the wilderness or survive a disaster unscathed. But, forewarned is forearmed and the knowledge you learn from “Into the Wild - Practical survival handbook” will give you the confidence you need if the worst occurs.
“Into The Wild” is a comprehensive guide to give you confidence you can survive in any situation involving the outdoors.
In this wilderness survival guide, you’ll:
Better to Be Safe Than Sorry…
That phrase might come back to haunt you unless you know how to survive during a natural or national disaster or when something unexpected happens and you have to bug out to the wilderness. PLAN AHEAD!
Unfortunately, the world has become a place where your life and that of your family can be threatened at any moment.
You NEVER want to face the unknown when you’re unprepared. Just a few lessons on how to survive can make a difference!
I think it’s an easy decision.
Are you ready to learn some life-saving skills?
There is no price you can tag on to a human life.
Very little time spent on learning survival tricks and tips can save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
This survival guide touches on everything you might encounter in the wilderness that could threaten your fun times – or your life!
It’s all there in a carefully planned guide and there’s only a one-time fee to get full access to the Into the wild: Practical survival handbook – and you don’t have to make a trip to the bookstore to get your hands on it.
You can Download it right to your computer immediately!
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